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There are some folks who are beginning to wonder how much longer that orchestra is hired for
And he said
The hare and the tortoise. The so-called English speaking races are spending altogether too much time indulging their boasted prerogative
Find the man who owns his home
Uncle Andrew: you haven't forgotten that we left little Orville down in the taxi all this time have you, dearie?
Held up. (Optional line): There's not much use whipping the horses until we get that wheel on
It's getting so we can begin to sit back and enjoy the scenery with our new driver
Just like old times
And now comes a bill before Congress to prohibit doctors prescribing beer and wine
Another one of the herd gone dry
The latest topographical map of the western hemispherre
After they get through being sorry for themselves they might see what they can do for the man they ran into
After disarmament we might send out invitations for an international dehorning bee. (Center): Removing the horns may have seemed desirable around our own barnyard--- (Bottom): But it is a decided handicap out in the open pasture
Getting mad at her because she doesn't give as much milk as she did two years ago isn't going to help the supply any
The European swimming hole
Fast stands and sure the watch-- the watch on the Rhine
Any incivility on the part of the attendants should be promptly reported
Some folks are getting a little nervous about the non-arrival of the rest of the picnic party
That ambulance will have to make a return trip if they don't slow down on the country roads
It all depends on what information you consider important
Good Americans in 100 years? Sure, but why not first use the good ones we already have?
Don't shoot. We thought you was just joking
Seeing that there is considerable of our money in the pot
Both households ought to get together for a washing bee
Folks do say though that until the Mother-in-law came to live with them their family life was perfect
The same corner where we ran off the track last trip. (Optional line): There must be something wrong with that switch
Moral: it isn't the public that has quit spending so much as it is business that has quit selling
In the Doctor's waiting room
Speaking of our wasteful land and tenantry system
Couldn't the new tariff bill give us a little protection against this European industry?
Maybe we ought to do something about the London speeches
Why grooms are nervous during the ceremony
Then is when we really begin to get excited
It is surprising how much depends on the neighbors
Have you decided where you are going on your summer vacation? Business isn't the only thing injured by the high railroad rates
That naughty little Sims Boys
Shucks, that's nothing! Wait until he has to tell why we entered the last war, etc.
Trying out his voice for the International Glee Club. If he can't sing that there's no use of his trying to make harmony of any chorus
Keeping right up with the procession. Why search for the fossil beds to look for traces of our brute ancestors?
The woman hater
Hey there! Keep an eye on the breakers
Might try putting on a smaller hook
Even economy costs more than expected. (Optional line): Official Washington will doubtless be glad to find that budget director Dawes is human like the rest of them
Drying the clothes under difficulties
Getting back to nature
Keeping the whole neighborhood awake
