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Editorial Cartoons of Brian Duffy
Editorial Cartoons of Brian Duffy
The show must go on!
The show must go on!
Financial institutions
Financial institutions
McGovern in 72 84 92
McGovern in 72 84 92
All Osama all the time network
All Osama all the time network
Full of it service
Full of it service
Must be taller than this to occupy this office
Must be taller than this to occupy this office
And if you think I'm gonna go away, you're crazier than that aunt in the attic!
And if you think I'm gonna go away, you're crazier than that aunt in the attic!
Welcome to the G-8 Summit's global food crisis banquet. I hope everyone enjoyed the roasted lamb with black truffles
Welcome to the G-8 Summit's global food crisis banquet. I hope everyone enjoyed the roasted lamb with black truffles
Now you see it ... now you don't!
Now you see it ... now you don't!
We're supposed to keep an eye out for these people
We're supposed to keep an eye out for these people
I'm not going to pick on an invalid
I'm not going to pick on an invalid
Red ink
Red ink
We're probably going to have to come back this way afterwards
We're probably going to have to come back this way afterwards
Happy Mother's Day we made you breakfast ... blackened pancakes
Happy Mother's Day we made you breakfast ... blackened pancakes
You say the guy who took your overtime pay bore a striking resemblance to the one who gave it to you in the first place?
You say the guy who took your overtime pay bore a striking resemblance to the one who gave it to you in the first place?
Maybe we should do something about this
Maybe we should do something about this
Chop thwack
Chop thwack
Beijing 2008
Beijing 2008
We see alot of this at this time of year
We see alot of this at this time of year
Did you pack your razor?
Did you pack your razor?
Platform diving
Platform diving
The television war comes home
The television war comes home
Isn't it interesting how history tends to repeat itself?
Isn't it interesting how history tends to repeat itself?
I suppose now is not a good time to bring up the search for a new basketball coach
I suppose now is not a good time to bring up the search for a new basketball coach
Maybe they forgot about us
Maybe they forgot about us
George Bush as a withered, heat-exhausted sunflower
George Bush as a withered, heat-exhausted sunflower
RAGBRAI XXXVI Missouri Valley Harlan Jefferson Ames Tama/Toledo North Liberty Tipton Le Claire
RAGBRAI XXXVI Missouri Valley Harlan Jefferson Ames Tama/Toledo North Liberty Tipton Le Claire
Largest living organism discovered living in Washinton, D.C.!
Largest living organism discovered living in Washinton, D.C.!
It's mine!
It's mine!
And in farm news today, wet conditions continue to hamper this year's harvest
And in farm news today, wet conditions continue to hamper this year's harvest
President Donald Regan
President Donald Regan
Bob Dole looking at old hatchet
Bob Dole looking at old hatchet
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
MY turn
MY turn
I think it's time to bury the hatchet
I think it's time to bury the hatchet
If we keep this up, we'll be the majority race soon!
If we keep this up, we'll be the majority race soon!
Faulty weapons, shoddy workmanship, inflated costs, inaccurate weapons manuals, ... are you sure they don't work for us?
Faulty weapons, shoddy workmanship, inflated costs, inaccurate weapons manuals, ... are you sure they don't work for us?
Someone must stand up to those who say here's the keys, there's the Treasury, take as many tax dollars as you want
Someone must stand up to those who say here's the keys, there's the Treasury, take as many tax dollars as you want
All of you House Republicans who voted to change the rules allowing an indicted majority leader to retain his seat, show yourselves!
All of you House Republicans who voted to change the rules allowing an indicted majority leader to retain his seat, show yourselves!
I have not shut the door on 2008
I have not shut the door on 2008
Dear Mr. Noriega leave! (pretty please) signed R. Reagan
Dear Mr. Noriega leave! (pretty please) signed R. Reagan
Contract with America relays
Contract with America relays
Microsoft breakup order
Microsoft breakup order
