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1 to 48 of 719 Objects


Thomas Elmore Lucey: poet, actor, humorist
Thomas Elmore Lucey: poet, actor, humorist
Mills-Andrus Company with Emil Schumann
Mills-Andrus Company with Emil Schumann
Hiawatha Indian Play: by the Ojibway Indians
Hiawatha Indian Play: by the Ojibway Indians
Blackhawk Tribe of Woodcraft Indians: Presents Original Indian Dramas
Blackhawk Tribe of Woodcraft Indians: Presents Original Indian Dramas
Miss Evelyn Gaston: a reader of plays
Miss Evelyn Gaston: a reader of plays
Mlle. Sage and her company
Mlle. Sage and her company
American Indian Program: by Indians in Costume
American Indian Program: by Indians in Costume
Indian Life: legends and songs
Indian Life: legends and songs
Suzanne Steele: Moliere's
Suzanne Steele: Moliere's "School For Wives"
Richard Kean
Richard Kean
Clarissa Harrold
Clarissa Harrold
Frederic Poole: a Chinese dramatic reading
Frederic Poole: a Chinese dramatic reading
The Musketeers
The Musketeers
The Sunbeams
The Sunbeams
Ellsworth Plumstead: Plumstead entertainments
Ellsworth Plumstead: Plumstead entertainments
The Hawthorne Musical Club of Boston
The Hawthorne Musical Club of Boston
The Covent Garden Singers
The Covent Garden Singers
The Marching Men of Song
The Marching Men of Song
Renate Harmon: modern & Viennese dance
Renate Harmon: modern & Viennese dance
The Cathedral Choir
The Cathedral Choir
Venita Rich McBurney
Venita Rich McBurney
L. Verne Stout: presents the theatre workshop
L. Verne Stout: presents the theatre workshop
Foreign and American cookery: Mrs. F. Violet Sanborn
Foreign and American cookery: Mrs. F. Violet Sanborn
Fern Casford: excellent entertainment
Fern Casford: excellent entertainment
Frederic Poole
Frederic Poole
Chicago Lyric Quartet
Chicago Lyric Quartet
International Operatic Company
International Operatic Company
Julius Caesar Nayphe
Julius Caesar Nayphe
The Hiawatha Indian Passion Play: by Robert A. George
The Hiawatha Indian Passion Play: by Robert A. George
Shawn and His Men Dancers
Shawn and His Men Dancers
Hote Casella: mezzo soprano
Hote Casella: mezzo soprano
Swiss Yodelers
Swiss Yodelers
Robert Burns: impersonation by Dr. James Henry McLaren
Robert Burns: impersonation by Dr. James Henry McLaren
Dr. Sydney Wellington Landon: in his famous lecture-recitals
Dr. Sydney Wellington Landon: in his famous lecture-recitals
The Indian String Quartet: and Mr. Richard H. Kennedy
The Indian String Quartet: and Mr. Richard H. Kennedy
Edna Kimball
Edna Kimball
Loraine Wyman: old French and English songs in costume
Loraine Wyman: old French and English songs in costume
Julian B. Arnold: lecturer and entertainer
Julian B. Arnold: lecturer and entertainer
Lincoln Caswell as Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln Caswell as Abraham Lincoln
Under the southern stars, a Latin American fiesta: by Irma Labastille
Under the southern stars, a Latin American fiesta: by Irma Labastille
The Tobias-Bracken Revue
The Tobias-Bracken Revue
Velma Woodmansee
Velma Woodmansee
Tobias-Harper Company
Tobias-Harper Company
The Hussar Quartet
The Hussar Quartet
Murdoch J. Macdonald and his: Macdonald Highlanders Band
Murdoch J. Macdonald and his: Macdonald Highlanders Band
Sidney Landon
Sidney Landon
Murrell Poor: humorist, character portrayals
Murrell Poor: humorist, character portrayals
