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1 to 48 of 364 Objects


Columbus Chautauqua official program, Columbus Junction, Iowa, August 16-21, 1910
Columbus Chautauqua official program, Columbus Junction, Iowa, August 16-21, 1910
Jefferson twenty-fifth assembly, Independent Chautauqua, Jefferson, Iowa, August 11-18, 1929
Jefferson twenty-fifth assembly, Independent Chautauqua, Jefferson, Iowa, August 11-18, 1929
Chautauqua, Elliott, Iowa, August 26-30, 1920
Chautauqua, Elliott, Iowa, August 26-30, 1920
Professor P.G. Holden, the corn man
Professor P.G. Holden, the corn man
Peterson Sisters Concert Company
Peterson Sisters Concert Company
Hon. Chester H. Aldrich
Hon. Chester H. Aldrich
Lectures and lecture recitals by Fred Winslow Adams
Lectures and lecture recitals by Fred Winslow Adams
Chautauqua, Reinbeck, Iowa, August 12-16, 1917
Chautauqua, Reinbeck, Iowa, August 12-16, 1917
Rev. Father P.J. MacCorry, dramatic orator
Rev. Father P.J. MacCorry, dramatic orator
Walter Wellman, Washington correspondent of The Chicago record-herald
Walter Wellman, Washington correspondent of The Chicago record-herald
Morton H. Pemberton, humorist
Morton H. Pemberton, humorist
Mrs. William Calvin Chilton, monodramist
Mrs. William Calvin Chilton, monodramist
Metropolitan Entertainers
Metropolitan Entertainers
Wilbur Arthur
Wilbur Arthur
Morgan Wood, pastor Plymouth Congregational Church, Cleveland, the platform magnet
Morgan Wood, pastor Plymouth Congregational Church, Cleveland, the platform magnet
Katharine Oliver
Katharine Oliver
Chautauqua, Milton, Iowa, August 12-16, 1922
Chautauqua, Milton, Iowa, August 12-16, 1922
5 joy days, Chautauqua, College Springs, Iowa, July 23-27, 1910s
5 joy days, Chautauqua, College Springs, Iowa, July 23-27, 1910s
LeWitte Entertainers
LeWitte Entertainers
Col. George W. Bain
Col. George W. Bain
Ackland Lord Boyle of New York
Ackland Lord Boyle of New York
Gen. Z.T. Sweeney, author, diplomat, lecturer
Gen. Z.T. Sweeney, author, diplomat, lecturer
Mrs. Rose C. Broughton in interpretative recitals
Mrs. Rose C. Broughton in interpretative recitals
Elizabeth Tucker, impressionist reader and impersonator
Elizabeth Tucker, impressionist reader and impersonator
William E. Mason, first insurgent in United States Senate
William E. Mason, first insurgent in United States Senate
Nellie Peck Saunders Company
Nellie Peck Saunders Company
Opie Read
Opie Read
Norman Hapgood, editor, Colliers
Norman Hapgood, editor, Colliers
Dr. W.T. Sherman Culp, a man with mirth and a mission
Dr. W.T. Sherman Culp, a man with mirth and a mission
William E. Curtis of the Chicago record-herald
William E. Curtis of the Chicago record-herald
Col. L.F. Copeland, the king of the platform
Col. L.F. Copeland, the king of the platform
Edward Burton MacDowell, travel stories
Edward Burton MacDowell, travel stories
Prof. Henry P. Van Liew, thrilling illuminated entertainments and flashlight revelations
Prof. Henry P. Van Liew, thrilling illuminated entertainments and flashlight revelations
Ride on the water wagon, Clinton N. Howard
Ride on the water wagon, Clinton N. Howard
Hazen Botsford Baird
Hazen Botsford Baird
George C. Williams
George C. Williams
Frank Wakely Gunsaulus
Frank Wakely Gunsaulus
Henry Augustus Buchtel
Henry Augustus Buchtel
Reverend L.E. Brown
Reverend L.E. Brown
Dr. Orison Swett Marden, the apostle of success
Dr. Orison Swett Marden, the apostle of success
Booker T. Washington
Booker T. Washington
Dr. R.T. Campbell
Dr. R.T. Campbell
Dr. N. McGee Waters, lecturer, minister, author
Dr. N. McGee Waters, lecturer, minister, author
Dr. Thomas E. Green, lecturer, traveler, author
Dr. Thomas E. Green, lecturer, traveler, author
Old Homestead Male Quartette and Miss Anna Loy May, reciter
Old Homestead Male Quartette and Miss Anna Loy May, reciter
Patricolo Grand Concerts
Patricolo Grand Concerts
W.E. Hopkins
W.E. Hopkins
Dr. Elijah Powell Brown, the ram's horn man
Dr. Elijah Powell Brown, the ram's horn man
