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Editorial Cartoons of Harold
Editorial Cartoons of Harold "Tom" Carlisle
Bread cast upon the waters
Bread cast upon the waters
Birds of evil omen
Birds of evil omen
It isn't the heat, it's the humidity
It isn't the heat, it's the humidity
There'll be some new qualifications for loans after the government takes over the banks
There'll be some new qualifications for loans after the government takes over the banks
At least we hope so
At least we hope so
Way past feeding time
Way past feeding time
A prospective customer
A prospective customer
Looked for awhile as if we almost had a custormer
Looked for awhile as if we almost had a custormer
Now see what we've started
Now see what we've started
Perplexities of the faithful
Perplexities of the faithful
Let's hope he can shoot straighter than the last time he tried
Let's hope he can shoot straighter than the last time he tried
A door step baby
A door step baby
The evolution of a party tradition
The evolution of a party tradition
Piscatorial perversity
Piscatorial perversity
Well! of all the dirty tricks
Well! of all the dirty tricks
A victim of experience
A victim of experience
The fifth labor of Hercules
The fifth labor of Hercules
Maybe it isn't orthodox but at least we're getting somewhere
Maybe it isn't orthodox but at least we're getting somewhere
No one can complain that nothing has been done
No one can complain that nothing has been done
The budget strong man
The budget strong man
Back to the jungle
Back to the jungle
The evolution of a duck hunter's wife
The evolution of a duck hunter's wife
One blue eagle they'll never have to take back
One blue eagle they'll never have to take back
The horse could probably find the way home but we don't want to go back, do we?
The horse could probably find the way home but we don't want to go back, do we?
A pertinent question
A pertinent question
The helping hand
The helping hand
Guess what will happen to the lunch and clothes unless everybody goes in
Guess what will happen to the lunch and clothes unless everybody goes in
No place to play a sour note
No place to play a sour note
One break for the farmer, at least
One break for the farmer, at least
They usually go from one extreme to the other
They usually go from one extreme to the other
The emergency pilot
The emergency pilot
Even a depression can go too far
Even a depression can go too far
Has the worm turned?
Has the worm turned?
Now we'll know who to blame in case anything goes wrong
Now we'll know who to blame in case anything goes wrong
Build a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door
Build a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door
We'll bet the president will be just tickled pink
We'll bet the president will be just tickled pink
Thanksgiving aftermath
Thanksgiving aftermath
An inexpensive way to add a lot to your Christmas gifts
An inexpensive way to add a lot to your Christmas gifts
They'll be lucky if no one else catches it
They'll be lucky if no one else catches it
An obligation and a responsibility
An obligation and a responsibility
Starving the cow to make her give milk
Starving the cow to make her give milk
More stings than honey
More stings than honey
What to do before the doctor comes
What to do before the doctor comes
The delicate balance of nature
The delicate balance of nature
High or low, rich or poor, none may escape it
High or low, rich or poor, none may escape it
Lives of the hunted
Lives of the hunted
Our international trade prospect
Our international trade prospect
