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A lot of good it does that boy to go to school
A lot of good it does that boy to go to school
The reward of his own neglect
The reward of his own neglect
Why not put Ponzi and the Huckins boys on the committee to pry loose the hoarded money
Why not put Ponzi and the Huckins boys on the committee to pry loose the hoarded money
The Presidency of the United States. (Lower caption): but from Washington to Hoover the victims of character assassins
The Presidency of the United States. (Lower caption): but from Washington to Hoover the victims of character assassins
Resolved that women have a harder life than men
Resolved that women have a harder life than men
It's going to require more than an ordinary alibi
It's going to require more than an ordinary alibi
The outgrowth of our own civic negligence
The outgrowth of our own civic negligence
Plenty of volunteer workers in the anti-hoarding campaign
Plenty of volunteer workers in the anti-hoarding campaign
And what will he do about it?----Nothing, probably.
And what will he do about it?----Nothing, probably.
The open challenge
The open challenge
The sturdy old American spirit
The sturdy old American spirit
Beach modes for 1932
Beach modes for 1932
They don't even slow down
They don't even slow down
We meet and wrestle with our national problems
We meet and wrestle with our national problems
The secret of success is not hard to find. But, oh, boy! After you get it look out!
The secret of success is not hard to find. But, oh, boy! After you get it look out!
The triumph of matter over mind
The triumph of matter over mind
Where every prospect pleases and only man is vile
Where every prospect pleases and only man is vile
How to cure unemployment
How to cure unemployment
How to permanently exterminate a dandelion
How to permanently exterminate a dandelion
Blaming it on the bear
Blaming it on the bear
Maybe we've been looking in the wrong direction
Maybe we've been looking in the wrong direction
Standing at life's threshold--- 1932
Standing at life's threshold--- 1932
Tired of hearing about depression?---most of us don't know what it is to be tired
Tired of hearing about depression?---most of us don't know what it is to be tired
Something should be done about this, too. (Subtitles): Damned if you don't; and damned if you do.
Something should be done about this, too. (Subtitles): Damned if you don't; and damned if you do.
There was a time when Americans met their troubles squarely
There was a time when Americans met their troubles squarely
The boy that delivers the paper tells the world
The boy that delivers the paper tells the world
Of all the embarrassing times to bring that up!
Of all the embarrassing times to bring that up!
Bill Borah ain't going to play with nobody, that's all!
Bill Borah ain't going to play with nobody, that's all!
A delegate brings home a couple of friends he met at the convention
A delegate brings home a couple of friends he met at the convention
Faster, yes, but somehow we don't seem to get so much mileage as we used to.
Faster, yes, but somehow we don't seem to get so much mileage as we used to.
About the only thing the government hasn't done for him
About the only thing the government hasn't done for him
Make a Boy Scout and you make a self-reliant citizen
Make a Boy Scout and you make a self-reliant citizen
The natural offspring of political indifference
The natural offspring of political indifference
Popular everywhere but at home
Popular everywhere but at home
The life work of Senator Johnson
The life work of Senator Johnson
Some folks want to take all the joys--and none of the responsibilities
Some folks want to take all the joys--and none of the responsibilities
The benefits of success
The benefits of success
A tough customer to please
A tough customer to please
The best insurance policy in the world
The best insurance policy in the world
The darkness that was before Thomas Edison
The darkness that was before Thomas Edison
Why Presidents go fishing
Why Presidents go fishing
Keeping us pure
Keeping us pure
Trimming the little darling's curls
Trimming the little darling's curls
Problems of government, foreign and domestic.
Problems of government, foreign and domestic.
We might have gone further if the mate had stayed awake
We might have gone further if the mate had stayed awake
Among the little things that make liars of us all
Among the little things that make liars of us all
Just painting the clouds with sunshine that's all
Just painting the clouds with sunshine that's all
No one to blame but ourselves
No one to blame but ourselves
